At first, I thought it was so hard and I can’t do it good because I didn’t have an experience in term of doing and learning before. These problems, it made me afraid and stressed.
But when I learnt and know about it, I didn’t fear and stressed. I could do it quite well in that I satisfied. I could do these things quite well because Aj. Gob taught and gave the knowledge in term of the things that I never do and learn. Until I know how made a blog and learn about the business, which I think it's hard to understand it and be part of it. When I knew the word business, I have selected businesses that related to alcohol. This is Heineken beer world that leading in terms of quality and the oldest beer brand more than 160 years. I can learn the processing of making beer and everything related to Heineken. It is very difficult to analysis because I did not have a background about the business before.
And the last, I want to say “Thank you” to Aj. Gob that make me to know about business and make me to be a business women. Although, it’s just a moment but it makes me know what many knowledge did not know before.