Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Promotion strategies

Key successful factors

Highest safety
Products of Heineken are produced to the highest standards of safety. If product is defective, Heineken will solve properly such as the process and material are safe for consumers.
Heineken will take the important honesty to consumers. Heineken believes that corruptions must eliminate from society. Heineken decrease and avoid the fraud and conflict between business benefits.
Nature process
Heineken is brewed in a natural brewing process with no additives. Brewing of Heineken beer is a 100% natural process.
Highest standard
Heineken insists on the highest standard because is the beer brand in the world that have well recognition and response from drinker. When Heineken will do or change something, it always has the highest standards.
Highest quality
Heineken has the higher quality beer brands that have a premium cachet from other organization in part of process, material, brand, people, media and taste.
Heineken is very strict control of the recipe and highly efficient quality control. Such as workers, other processes, equipments or everything for make Heineken beer for successful brand.
Good management system
Heineken has a good management system and new ideas for bring customers to join in big activities or sponsor. The investment may be more, but the consequences are more than too and including a leader that have the knowledge and ability to perform to the progress and success of the product.
Heineken was found since in 1864 in Netherlands. The age was about 146 years and sold in 140 countries around the world. Until, Heineken has guaranteed the pure, premium taste of Heineken beer from the drinker and is popular and famous beer.

Target group

These group of new consumer who never taste alcohol before. Heineken beer is the first alcohol of them but they will have enough of money for buy it or they will have purchasing power. Before they taste, they will feel that Heineken is interesting and is the high class and premium brand or they may be see various advertising in other media. Then, they see it and they want to drink or taste immediately. These groups of new consumer walks toward by using Heineken marketing activities relate to their lifestyle informally. For example, Heineken festivals.
The group of only people than 25 years

Friday, July 16, 2010
Product line

Heineken Pilsener was produced in 1873 by Heineken International in Netherlands. The beer made of purified water, malted barley, hops and yeast. It is popular in United States, Europe and Middle Eastern Countries. The beer has 5% alcohol. The beer style is Pale Lager.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Product strategy >>> Branding

Brand value of Heineken

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Background of company

Former Heineken brewery in Amsterdam and Heineken was Netherland’s beer. The Heineken Company was founded in 1864. The Heineken family entered the beer business when the 22-year-old Gerard Adriaan Heineken bought a small brewery in the heart of Amsterdam. Heineken family have built and expanded the brand and the company in Europe and around the world but product diversification began relatively late in Heineken's history, because the company's emphasis had been on expanding its markets but has been developed in many aspects to quality of beer. So far, the unique Heineken has guaranteed the pure, premium taste of Heineken beer and the evacuation of a growing global business with the most international premium beer brands. Around the world are acceptable in quality and taste of Heineken beer. Now, there were imports and sells product more than 70 countries.
Heineken in Thailand, Heineken became to Thailand about 10 years ago. Nowadays, the sales of Heineken in Thailand was the most successful .Total market value of premium beer about 8 million peoples.
Heineken is one of the world’s leading brewing groups.
Rationale "Why this brand?"